du Domaine de Vauroux

du Domaine de Vauroux Berger Belge

Berger Belge

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Faust & Bella (BelCol's Dolly Parton

Through our co-ownership with Christine Ennis of BelCol Kennels in Cypress, Texas of Faust du Domaine de Vauroux and BelCol's Dolly Parton (Bella) of CH Goliath du Domaine de Vauroux & CH Maski du van Lappeenranta Fennie. We consider ourselves very privileged to be associated with such fine breeders! Jeff, Susan & Katie Moreland The Woodlands, Texas, USA


Wonderful dogs

I have seen your lines used in the USA many years. I have mostly had Crocs Blancs dogs. I am so impressed by your dogs that I am getting a puppy from your friend in Houston that breeds from your lines. Best wishes

27/06/2014 - Jason Jones